Rain Photography: 25 Rainy Day Photo Examples

Most people believe that a clear day or a nice bright light is a requirement to capture beautiful photographs. In fact, most photographers toss their cameras away when the weather starts to go crazy. However, unknown to many, stormy and rainy days present some unique opportunities to capture dramatic and moody scenes.

On rainy days, light is soft and diffused which create a great contrast to colorful leaves and flowers or the clothes and umbrellas. But low light means slow shutter speeds. Thus, you will probably need your tripod. But if this is not possible, then just follow the rule of thumb for shooting with your hands, that is, using a shutter speed equal to the 1/focal length of your lens. So for example, a 70-200mm lens you need 1/200th shutter speed to handhold without camera shake. Try a shallow depth of field by opening up your lenses to the widest possible. Another interesting thing about rain photography is reflections. Rainwater serves as light reflectors, depending on how you compose your shot. Reflections add interest and dimensions to your photos.

Below are some quick tips to help you get ready for your next (or very first) rain photography adventure.

  • Not all cameras are waterproof so make sure they are protected.
  • If you are planning to use an umbrella, remember to bring something in dark colors. Stray light can sometimes spoil your shot.
  • Watch out and be creative with colors. Since stormy and rainy days are gloomy, colors such as in the form of clothing, umbrella, rain gears and nature can really stand out during rain.
  • Try shooting also in black and white. Or you can convert photos to black and white in the post-processing stage.
  • Another that you need to pay attention when shooting on a rainy day are surfaces like glass, plastic, etc. They have different reactions to rain, giving you an opportunity to shoot some abstract scenes.

There you go. I’m sure that once you get started taking photos on rainy days, you will be looking forward to rain in the weather forecast.


Raining Again

rain photography x


The Rainman
This was a shot taken in December 2010 at Chennai Marina Beach during the rains.

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When it Rains

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When it rains on the mountains

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Freesia in the Rain

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Ray of Hope

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Message in the Rain

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Rain from Below (Berne, Suisse)

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Love comforts like sunshine after rain
But lust’s effect is tempest after sun.

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The current state of things

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Stormy Days

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Silhouette in the Rain

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September Rain

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Rain Drops, Heavy Rainfall in Edinburgh

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Waiting for the rain to settle down

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Sad Rain
Rain usually depicts sadness. I guess it’s because we can’t enjoy much of the weather unless our activity would involve rain-bathing.

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Shining Rain

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A Buddhist in the Rain

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SV in the Rain
A Diablo VT Affolter LeMans and a beautiful LP640.

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Rain in Liberia, Guanacaste in Costa Rica.

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21- Still More Rain On Yonge

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22-Red Rain
Taken in Lucerne, Switzerland

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23-Genève, ville de couleurs

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24-Sunflower Rain

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25-Rain, Rain, Go Away…

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Author: AllFreeDesigns Staff

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