12 Free Green Background Patterns for St. Patrick’s Day
With just a week to St. Patrick’s Day, we decided to come up with some green background patterns to celebrate this day. Celebrated every 17th day of March, St. Patrick’s day or the Feast of Saint Patrick is a cultural and religious event in Ireland as well as in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador and the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat. This feast is also widely celebrated by the Irish diaspora around the world, especially in Great Britain, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand.
It is customary to wear shamrocks or green clothing or accessories on St. Patrick’s day. According to traditional belief, shamrock and green also bring good luck, especially on St. Patrick’s Day. People also hold public parades and festivals to celebrate this day. Since March also falls on Lenten season for Catholics, restrictions on eating and drinking alcohol are lifted for the day. This encourages and propagates the holiday’s tradition of alcohol consumption. So even if you don’t really come from Irish ancestry, let us have a little bit of Irish in us on St. Patrick’s Day.
password: bdo
The green background patterns we are giving away today includes 12 patterns in various shades of green (the preview above only shows 8 patterns). For those Photoshop nerds, you can download the PAT file (the first button), which include 12 unique green background patterns in transparent backgrounds so you can still play around with color combinations easily. For those who are not familiar with using patterns in Photoshop, we have also included a digital paper version of these patterns in PNG (12×12 inches, 300 DPI). They are ready to print!
As with all our freebies, this set of green background patterns are free for personal, non-commercial purposes only. Also, please refrain from making them available for download outside of this site. If you want other people to know about our freebies, please refer them to this post. Also, please do not HOTLINK to the download file.
There is a password for opening the zip file. This is to prevent hotlinking and discourage people from violating terms of use of our patterns. Below, are previews of each of the green background patterns included in this set. These are low-res, so do not just right click and save the pattern previews below. Instead, use the download buttons above.